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Spiritual Awakenings International Conference 2021
June 12, 2021 - June 13, 2021

You are invited to the first
Spiritual Awakenings International
Saturday June 12 & Sunday June 13, 2021
Spiritual Awakenings: Bringing us Together as a Global Spiritual Family
Co-sponsored by Toronto Awakenings Sharing Group
Groundbreaking SAI Circle of Honor Speakers:
Dr. Bruce Greyson MD
Co-Founder of IANDS
Bill Guggenheim
Coined “After-Death Communications”
Dr. Yvonne Kason MD
Coined “Spiritually Transformative Experiences”
Dr. Francis G. Lu MD
Co-created DSM category for STEs
Jyoti Ma (Jeneane Prevatt PhD)
Co-Founder of Kundalini Research Network
Co-Founder of the Center for Sacred Studies
Kimberly Clark Sharp MSW, LICSW
Pioneered NDE Support Groups
16 More Outstanding International Speakers:
from Canada, England, Mexico, Nigeria, Spain, and the USA
Talks on STEs, NDEs, Spiritual Emergencies, Mediumship, Past Lives, STE After-Effects, and more…
- NEW Multi-Faith Opening Panel
- NEW Debut of the “NDE Talking Dead™” Panel
- NEW Multiple STE Experiencers Panel
- NEW First SAI Spanish language Panel
Panel de Experiencias Espirituales Transformadoras(Spanish STE Experiencers Panel)
Domingo 13 de junio, 2021,
7:30 PM Hora Estándar del Este.
Francisco Valentin
Ingrid Honkola PhD
Ana Cecelia Gonzalez MEd
For more information and to register visit www.spiritualawakeningsinternational.org