Brent Spirit – Kundalini Shakti Awakening, Evolution, & The Healing Power of Unconditional Love
Kundalini rising can be intense and challenging. It can sometimes be perceived as a curse, especially for those who didn’t actively seek it out. Fortunately, with clarity, curiosity, and support, Kundalini awakening can be the greatest blessing. Using his own journey...
Lisa Jackson – A New Way Back; Normalizing the Evolution of Our 6th Sense.
Lisa Jackson’s presentation is in three parts: 1. Life prior to a spiritual awakening, including multiple medical diagnosis, polypharmacy, unhealthy relationships, and addiction. 2. The Spiritual Awakening in 2021, and the challenges afterwards: social isolation,...
Soul Lessons from the Light: Special Book Launch Event with Dr. Yvonne Kason MD
Dr. Yvonne Kason MD is one of a rare breed – a person who has had 5 Near-Death Experiences (NDEs) and multiple other Spiritually Transformative Experiences (STEs), a term she coined in 1994. A retired medical doctor, she is the President and Co-Founder of Spiritual Awakenings International, the Group Leader and Co-Founder of Toronto Awakenings Sharing Group, and the Past-President of IANDS.
Coming Out Psychic
Dr. Sha'alah Ivory has had her whole life secretly coloured by STEs (Spiritually Transformative Experiences) that never fit the "materialist" paradigm. Despite this, she became a health-care professional and academic researcher into pharmaceutical malfeasance. From an...
Believing in and Activating Universal Assistance
Dr. Marina Quattrocchi has had multiple Spiritually Transformative Experiences - divine interventions, dreams, visions, channelling, synchronicity, communication from the other side, three dark night of the soul experiences, and a Near-Death Experience where she was...
When Life and Death Come Knocking
Sometimes we have experiences of such intensity that they strongly affect one’s life, including ones that brings us into contact with death. How do we cope with these, and what do they teach us about how to proceed through life?
Connecting between Worlds Through The Now Dimension
Sue Rumack invites you in to actively partake in her life-long experiences as channeler and inter-world conduit between the here and now, and the “Other Realms”. She entertains, challenges, and opens new awareness as she shares her childhood STEs, otherworldly...
Kundalini Awakening and Near-Death Experiences: Are they Related?
Many NDE researchers have speculated about the possible relationship between Near-Death Experiences and Kundalini Awakenings as described in the yogic tradition. Dr. Yvonne Kason will share the story of her own 1976 Kundalini Awakening and her powerful 1979 Near-Death...
Near-Death Experiences: An Indian Perspective
Linju Alias described her phenomenological study to explore Near-Death Experiences (NDEs) among cardiac arrest survivors in selected panchayats (villages) of Kannur district, Kerala, India. She extracted several themes in her study, including an encounter with the...
The Gifts of Near Deaths
Lewis shared both the experiences and, most importantly, the learnings which can benefit others, from all three of his NDEs or OBEs or STEs, as some might call them. On March 11, 1977, Lewis had a ‘Conversation with God’ in the Light, in which he discovered his Life’s...