Dr. Marina Quattrocchi has had multiple Spiritually Transformative Experiences – divine interventions, dreams, visions, channelling, synchronicity, communication from the other side, three dark night of the soul experiences, and a Near-Death Experience where she was fatally burned but survived. She offers proof that help is available for everyone. We are never alone. Although it may seem a lonely journey here on Earth, we are guided constantly in both the minutest details of life, and the most stupendous soul-altering events.
Faith and belief in the forces beyond the veil opens divine portals, helping us intuit, see, and understand our path in life. Daily there is guidance from deceased family members, ancestors, an army of angels and archangels, spirit guides, gurus, enlightened souls, masters, sages, and saints, constantly trying to guide, support, inspire, and sustain us. Often it is as simple as asking for guidance daily and trusting in a benevolent universe. Dr. Marina Quattrocchi is living proof.
Dr. Marina Quattrocchi